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How to fix maintenance issues in your home

How to fix maintenance issues in your home

You are the proud homeowner of that beautiful home you’ve desired to possess all these years. It must have taken you a minimum five years to arrive at the right choice following months of research and site visits.

Now that you have settled into your dream home, after sorting out all the documentation, financial aspects, interior decoration and the nitty-gritty of packing and moving, there must be that small niggling query at the back of your mind. What if the gas supply to the kitchen is suddenly clogged? What is the next step to take to rectify it before the family goes into a tizzy?

Living in an apartment high-rise with more than a hundred families residing in the community means there could be maintenance issues arising at any given time.

Here are some common maintenance problems that you could come up against in your apartment. We also highlight a few solutions to help ease your situation.

Gas supply blockage

Most modern residential high-rise apartments have the reticulated or centralized cooking gas supply to each kitchen. This also means an individual piped gas connection without the need for separate LPG cylinders. The centralised gas supply system in a large apartment community includes a network of pipes leading to each kitchen in the complex. These are connected to a centralized gas bank situated on the premises. This bank houses the LPG cylinders to each household including an extra or stand-by supply of cylinders when one is exhausted. A gas meter is installed in each home to gauge the pressure and supply. While the apartment owners association and dedicated facility management unit are responsible for the smooth uninterrupted flow of cooking gas in the pipes, sometimes this supply could be disrupted due to unknown causes. This is when the resident should raise a red flag to the facility manager who will then ascertain the cause and inform the cooking gas company to check the disruption and solve the issue.

Plumbing problem

One of the most common plumbing problems in large apartment complexes is water supply disruption. This is because of the common water supply that reaches each apartment through the water tanks or sumps installed in the premises. The municipal water supply fills up the underground sumps from where the water is pumped into the water tanks. The individual pipes running into each apartment are connected to these water tanks which distribute the water. At times, there could be less water filled in the tanks or perhaps a blockage due to moss or other debris because of which some homes may not get water. The maintenance of water tanks is the responsibility of the in-house facility manager who has been appointed to streamline these issues for the smooth supply of water to all apartments at all times.

Conference Hall booking

Hosting an official meeting in the clubhouse or conference room in your apartment community could be a hassle if your association’s online service is on the blink. There could be conflicts arising among the residents if many are aiming for the same slot and there is overbooking. In this case, too, having an in-house concierge service can solve this issue.

Electrical enigma

We all depend hugely on electricity to run all our electronic gadgets, healthcare devices, and home appliances as well as elevators, pumps and motors in the common areas. Most of us work from home on our computers, have ill family members who may need to be rushed to the hospital, etc. Any disruption in the power supply can trigger business losses, health emergencies and kitchen accidents. This is why having just one common Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) to maintain and repair these large supply systems that depend on the power supply can alleviate the situation in apartment complexes.

Responsible and credible developers like HM Constructions https://www.hmconstructions.com/ ensure that each homeowner in each of their premium luxury projects across Bengaluru is privy to the inhouse professional facility management personnel as well as the superior concierge service team to prevent and solve any maintenance issues. Because when you’ve chosen the best home, you also get excellent support service.

Call us on 8880225555 and we will help you find a home that suits your lifestyle, falls within your budget, and is close to all that you would need throughout the year!

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