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Community living – boon or bane

Community living – boon or bane

That ‘man is a social animal’ and needs others in society to survive, is a popular adage that we have learnt over the years. Living with a community inculcates in us those intrinsic qualities of peaceful coexistence and cheerful camaraderie.

However, in these modern and turbulent times when health is foremost on our mind and we all also seek to live away from urban communities, can living in residential clusters prove to be a bane? Let’s explore this conundrum.

The safety aspect

In the olden days, in the times of our great grandparents, people lived in a typical rustic backdrop of elaborate bungalows having a courtyard with the kitchen and toilets set away from the main house. This was because it was a joint family system where all generations lived together. Very rarely did the males seek work outside of the village. The complete family was secure and safe in their own familial circle.

Safety and security in these modern times of nuclear families, where the couple is both employed and the kids are alone at home, stems from a dire need. They seek a secure environment for their kids and find one in a holistic community setting of an apartment complex or gated community living. Round-the-clock security and smart security automation systems in premium apartment enclaves ensure just what they need.

Good neighbours

Kinship and camaraderie – these are two precious words that best describe living within a community. Finding like-minded neighbours who later turn into steadfast friends is what every homeowner is in pursuit of. Who wants a latch-key kid who comes home to a locked house every evening after school or tuition classes? Wouldn’t it be a relief to have a helpful neighbor who will offer your child a glass of milk and some sumptuous snacks, and in whose home your kids can play with her friends safely till you get home? It is indeed a blessing to have friendly neighbours to share your bonds of everlasting friendship with and grow old together with. After all, it’s your forever home, and you and your family will be living here for years together.

No more maintenance hassles

One of the most distinct perks of living in a luxury apartment community is that you will be free of maintenance worries. Contemporary luxury apartment enclaves within secure gated environs often come with their own in-house facility management units that take care of all the maintenance responsibilities in the common areas. So, if the light in your lobby has fused out or the water supply to the gardens is disrupted, the friendly facility manager solves these issues without your having to bother about them.

The fitness factor

Everybody today is focused on the health and wellbeing of oneself and the family. Living in a luxury apartment cluster that has an in-house gym and swimming pool means you do not have to step out of your secure home to pump some iron or get your cardio exercises. Another important aspect of an in-house gym is that the resident manager ensures the cleanliness and hygiene of the swimming pool, gym and the equipment.

Jogging or walking in the serene landscape of the gated community or even playing a feisty game of badminton or tennis in the sports area of the complex gives you your doses of fresh air and oxygen.

Children in a community

Some of the best friends are those made in childhood. Children learn to make friends easily and cherish their childhood friendship when they live, play and well, sometimes quarrel, together. These bonds are often woven when they live close in a gated apartment community. And because it’s a home where they will grow up together, these bonds will sustain through their growing years into adulthood.

Apartment clusters enrich friendships and social skills to create strong citizen networks. These unite to fight civic issues and solve them with the participation of the stakeholders, bringing about a massive change and improvement in society.  Community living is healthy for the social fabric of a city and is here to stay.

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